Announces the ELP “the key to forging our future!”
Teen Challenge is not only interested in recovery but has also recognized the need to train up the next generation of leaders. The Emerging Leader’s program is an extended training program designed to identify, equip and train emerging leaders through mentoring, curriculum, and training though an on-site internship. Columbus Girls Academy currently has 6 members of its student body enrolled in the program. The ELP is a voluntary opportunity that is available to students enrolled in the Teen Challenge program, as additional leadership training.
Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy in Seale, Alabama recently had the pleasure of hosting the 4th Annual ELP Summit for 2010. The Summit is a vital part of the Emerging Leaders Program that provides 3 days of teaching, training, team building, fellowship, and fun. In attendance were 104 student and staff leaders representing 17 Teen Challenge facilities for men, women, boys, and girls. During the summit a graduation service was held for 54 students who have completed the Emerging leaders program (Level I or Level II).
Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy is a Christian Therapeutic Boarding School for girls ages 12 to 17. Our school is a disciplined and structured environment that emphasizes character development and personal responsibility. Our program is designed to develop the whole person in four main areas: spiritual, social, academic and physical. To learn more about our school, please call (334) 855-3695.