Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy Announces October 2010 Graduation

Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy has the honor of announcing four October graduates. We were blessed to have in attendance Teen Challenge students, staff and families. Also attending were several board members, a guest youth pastor from World Changers Church, representatives from Global Teen Challenge Headquarters and Directors from Russia Teen Challenge. Thank you for sharing this special day with us and witnessing with us the beautiful testimonies of each of our October graduates.

All graduates received a completion certificate recognizing their completion of the Teen Challenge Program as well a certificate acknowledging their achievements in our Bible/Life Skills Curriculum, PSNCs. One graduate also had the reward of being presented with her high school diploma on graduation day; two others will earn their high school diploma before they complete their internship. Three of our October graduates have enrolled in our Emerging Leaders program and will be serving our students in an intern capacity, working alongside the staff. One graduate will be returning home to complete high school and serve at her church, whose members and staff have supported her wholeheartedly through her stay at Teen Challenge.

In addition to the testimonies and presentations, the Columbus Teen Challenge choir performed “Thou O Lord”. Our talented graduates performed a beautiful human video that they put together to the song “He Wants it All” by Forever Jones. The closing remarks were given by Dave Batty, Chief Operating Officer of Global Teen Challenge.

What we have seen develop in our October graduates is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It required integrity, commitment, an honest transparency and willingness to grow to complete this task. We are proud of our October graduates, job well done. We know that this is only the beginning.

Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy is a Christian Therapeutic Boarding School for girls ages 12 to 17. Our school is a disciplined and structured environment that emphasizes character development and personal responsibility. Our program is designed to develop the whole person in four main areas: spiritual, social, academic and physical. To learn more about our school, please call (334) 855-3695.

Separated – Positioned - Anointed – Redeemed - Equipped – Determined: That’s what SPARED stands for and it was the first ever youth conference just for Teen Challenge
 students! Our students attended this conference September 27-30.  It was an awesome opportunity to experience God working in our lives, have fun, and bond with fellow students and staff. The conference featured daily worship times, special guest speakers, graduate success stories, musical guests, team building games and activities, food, and excitement. Approximately 170 students and staff were in attendance from this Teen Challenge region.

Here’s what a few Teen Challenge Columbus Girls Academy students had to say…

“I enjoyed the fact that the Teen Challenge graduates wanted to come to talk to us so badly. It really impacted us to see that people who graduated as far back as the 70s are still doing great and going for God.”

“Prayer and Praise and Worship at the conference was great because it was so intense and focused. I also got to get into my own space and pray and seek God. It was so productive. I was glad that it was only Teen Challenge students, because it made it relatable. “

“I think it was the best idea in the world to have an only Teen Challenge Conference!!! We were being taught on a personal level.”

Students also expressed greatly benefiting personally from hearing speakers who spoke on topics such as forgiveness, trust, dealing with life’s highs and lows, Identity in Christ, and the unconditional love of God.

We want to say THANK YOU to all the directors, staff, volunteers, and students that helped make the conference possible and a success. It was amazing!